March Metta Madness
Zoom MeetingSalima will lead us at 9am Sunday Morning. Loving Kindness, Forgiveness and Gentle Positive Energy meditations all month for March Metta Madness ❤️❤️❤️
Salima will lead us at 9am Sunday Morning. Loving Kindness, Forgiveness and Gentle Positive Energy meditations all month for March Metta Madness ❤️❤️❤️
This time, Jess will lead us Sunday Morning 9am. Loving Kindness, Forgiveness and Gentle Positive Energy meditations all month for March Metta Madness ❤️❤️❤️
Rhonda will lead us in Metta on this Sunday Evening, 7:30pm. Loving Kindness, Forgiveness and Gentle Positive Energy meditations all month for March Metta Madness ❤️❤️❤️
Karen is back from her Costa Rica retreat and will lead us in Metta this Sunday Evening at 7:30pm. Loving Kindness, Forgiveness and Gentle Positive Energy meditations all month for […]
There are so many benefits to learning how to calm down and how to concentrate that you can probably name 10 right now! Let's get some crucial tips and lessons […]
Vipassana or "Insight Practice" is the only way to end personal suffering. Ajahn Krit Nimmalo is one of the preeminent and most effective teachers in Thailand and the world, teaching […]
After our "kickoff" of March Metta Madness (or should I say "Jump Ball"?), we have promised to include regular metta (love, kindness, acceptance) meditations in our schedule, at least every […]
Our Committee Chair Jenn will continue her new interview series, this time interviewing one of the most intriguing minds of our time. 8:30pm ET Start for this one. Korakot abandoned […]
Dr. Rhoda is one of the leading scholars in the domain of mindfulness and meditation research, publishing in scholarly journals over the past decade showing the various benefits of mindfulness […]
Committee Chair Jenn will continue her interview series, this time, asking Jess about his intriguing life choices, some of his most profound experiences and what it is like being him. […]