March Metta Madness

Zoom Meeting

Rhonda will lead us in Metta on this Sunday Evening, 7:30pm.  Loving Kindness, Forgiveness and Gentle Positive Energy meditations all month for March Metta Madness ❤️❤️❤️

March Metta Madness

Zoom Meeting

Karen is back from her Costa Rica retreat and will lead us in Metta this Sunday Evening at 7:30pm. Loving Kindness, Forgiveness and Gentle Positive Energy meditations all month for […]

Great Monk Ajahn Krit Returns to teach Insight Practice

Zoom Meeting

Vipassana or "Insight Practice" is the only way to end personal suffering. Ajahn Krit Nimmalo is one of the preeminent and most effective teachers in Thailand and the world, teaching […]

Metta Meditation Time with Associate Instructor Susie

Zoom Meeting

After our "kickoff" of March Metta Madness (or should I say "Jump Ball"?), we have promised to include regular metta (love, kindness, acceptance) meditations in our schedule, at least every […]

The Benefits of Mindfulness – Research Findings

Zoom Meeting

Dr. Rhoda is one of the leading scholars in the domain of mindfulness and meditation research, publishing in scholarly journals over the past decade showing the various benefits of mindfulness […]

A Deep Dive into Jess Koffman’s Mind

Zoom Meeting

Committee Chair Jenn will continue her interview series, this time, asking Jess about his intriguing life choices, some of his most profound experiences and what it is like being him. […]

Forgiveness with Associate Instructor Rhonda

Zoom Meeting

This month’s metta contemplation will be held by Rhonda and her shiny energy. The focus will be on forgiveness, a skill that we may all benefit from cultivating more of. […]

The Balance of Generosity with Vice-Chair Salima Pirani

Zoom Meeting

Salima is one of the most naturally and authentically charitable and generous people around. From her work at an African Charity, as a healer and teacher, to her newer projects […]